Cath Borch Jensen
Let the Image Invite You

Have you ever felt that the movement you chose or tried to make did not come from you? If so, what did it do to your experience of moving? Did it make you frustrated, happy, curious?

During this week of instruction, you can expect to explore what moves you. You will have to feel and connect with your surroundings in a very intimate and perhaps unfamiliar way – as a way to go beyond and thus into yourself and what moves you:

Together, we will move away from mirrors and fixed choreographies, down to the ground and out into the universe. We will choose and carefully study our surroundings. We will listen, feel, take notes, and meditatively relate to our chosen surroundings/object as an essential warm-up to be able to invite our own inner images to dance and let ourselves be guided through everyday actions, their lives, temperaments, wills, and desires – on mats and around the room, in depth and in height – individually and together.

After the Friday class, there is optional follow-up and reflection in KU:BE’s café.

Bring: Your own notebook, pen, curiosity, and patience 🙂


Cath Borch Jensen


Let the Image Invite You




11.–15.9.2023, 10:00


1 hour 30 minutes


Dirch Passers Allé 4, 2000 Frederiksberg