Seven notions of pleasure. Seven notions to be unfolded, experienced, and imagined. Pleasures transforming bodies, contaminating matter and the environment. At the heart of Mette Ingvartsen’s new creation, pleasure becomes a perceptual as much as a political question: How to generate and transmit other forms of pleasure than those choreographed by everyday life? How to explore pleasure’s un-canniness, its points of connection with the inside, the outside – its social and subjective ramifications? How to use its joyful potential to disrupt cliché images attached to nudity and sexuality?
A group of 12 performers work on sensations and their representation. As a melting together of states, in a long sensual movement, explored through the skin, bodies touch, test, lose their borders. They vibrate, enter into contact and composition with the objects that surround them – forming unexpected constellations of variable geometries. Little by little a sensation unfolds where every aspect of pleasure is handled, stirred, returned in all its glory. Vibrational, viscous, tactile, visual, contractual, ecstatic or collective: seven succeeding circles, intertwine their questions to draw up a map of pleasure to be experienced as much as deciphered.