Roots, Rot, Riot
MOLTA is an immersive interdisciplinary installation and a live performance.
The artist Rósa Ómarsdóttir creates ecosystems which are transformed through natural processes. This ecosystem melts, leak, decomposes, grow, morphs and evaporates.
Molta means compost in Icelandic. Compost is a place for both decomposition and fertility, where obsolete and outmoded phenomena break down and new ones spring up.
In the work MOLTA Ómarsdóttir explores tentative and ever changing ecosystems. She explores the boundaries of man, environment and technology, where everything affects one another. Humans morph together with mushrooms, plastic particles and electrons. What new creatures, ideas, beings springs out of the compost?
During the opening hours of Dansehallerne visitors can freely walk around in the installation, dwell in it and interact with it. In the evening the exhibition transforms into a performance space. The four hour performance will take place in the installation on September 26 + 27 from 18:00-22.00 and September 28 from 14:00-18:00.
During the live performance the audience is invited to a dwell inside the installation for the duration of four hours. The audience is offered a place and time to experience ever-changing environment, roots, rot and riot. The performers activate the installation. They appear as sculptures, creatures, animals, nature or forces and are part of the ecosystem. The work explores an experience of transformation and time. Sometimes the changes are so slow that they are barely noticeable, while other times they are so fast that they are barely missed. The audience is invited to dwell, watch, listen, simply be, hang out, eat, drink and rest while the performers and the environment transform, they can look more, listen, sense, take a break and come back to a new space, that after about four hours has possibly become a part of themselves.
Food and drinks will be served during the performance, produced by chef Kjartan Óli Guðmundsson, where ecosystems, the environment and the performers themselves are part of the catering.
MOLTA was created in close collaboration with the entire artistic team.