KORA is our initiative aimed at children in schools. With this program, we present dance and choreography to young audiences, and through collaborating with municipalities throughout the country, thousands of children and youngsters each year get the opportunity to experience one of our interactive and high-quality performances. After for some years having embraced an age group ranging from 0 to 16 year-olds, we will for the coming seasons focus on school children in year 0 to 6.

In each of the seasons 2023/24 and 2024/25, KORA offers: 

  • 12,500 school children in years 0 to 6 an embodied encounter with dance and choreography.
  • 250 interactive performances in schools. 
  • 20 professional artists the chance to perform their shows in front of and with a large audience. 
  • municipalities around the country the opportunity to provide children with an artistic experience with dance

We select and support small teams of professional artists who create interactive performances. What all performances have in common is the fact that they are developed specifically for schools, and that they involve the audience as co-creators of the experience.

“It is the experience of simultaneously being a spectator and a co-creator of a show. The students were spellbound from beginning to end.”
– Middle school teacher, Skolen i Bymidten, Helsingør.

We believe that children are entitled to and need to encounter art in their daily lives. Experiencing professional dance and choreography helps them to expand their understanding of how they may interact with their surroundings. In this way, the encounter of children with professional dance and choreography can provide significant and sensual input to the formation of their personal identity.

KORA is supported by Statens Kunstfond/the Danish Arts Foundation and Augustinus Fonden.