Dance is finally (!) busy with consent. As tool and discourse, consent is needed to mitigate bodily transgressions. But consent is more than a corrective posture. We risk ignoring the potentials of consent-as-method, if we reduce it to a verbal contract between two, or more, bodies engaging with touch. So, let’s not reduce but complexify it.
During this week, we will rehearse consent by listening through our skin to shared pleasure and (dis)comfort. We will employ consent as method to rehearse scores with pressure. Through touch-based warmups and a gradual engagement with my movement practice ‘body hiking’, we will build a shared language around embodied and limit consent.
Each class is pragmatic, soft and cute. We begin by warming up, opening our skin and rehearsing our haptic listening skills. Through partnerwork, I will introduce some simple scores for the manual negotiation of consent. The class is a rehearsal: We will fail and learn together through repetitions.
Consent is heart work <3
The classes are held at Dansehallerne, Franciska Clausens Plads 27 DK-1799 Copenhagen V in Studio 3.
Getting there
Studio 3 is located on the ground floor with step-free access from the main entrance.
Continue straight on towards the changing rooms next to the Foyer. Studio 3 is located at the bottom right corner.
Dansehallerne has an elevator with step-free access to all floors. Accessible and gender-neutral toilets and wardrobes are available on the ground floor.
We kindly ask you to arrive 15 minutes prior to class in time for check-in with the QR code on your ticket.
All members can participate in Dansehallerne’s training activities – a year-round program with approximately 5 days of training per week and now also workshops every other week. This is for all professional members regardless of background in dance training, and it is also possible to participate in a drop-in class.
International guests can participate in training for free for up to 1 month. If you have comments or good tips for the training program, you can always send an email to the curators.