How to create a profile at
How to log-in at
How to activate your membership
How to add several tickets to your order
I can’t choose the “årskortbillet” (annual pass ticket) – what do I do?
If you are a professional member, you must choose the category “Medlemsbillet” (member ticket)
I can’t add a “medlemsbillet”. The system runs an error – what do I do?
Check if you have selected more than one “Medlemsbillet”. You can only choose one ticket per. performance/event. Unfortunately, it is not possible to edit the basket. However, the basket expires every 15 minutes and you can start over. If you can not wait, you can open a private browser and log in again.
Why can’t I activate my membership card?
There are two codes on the card. You must use the code that consists of eight numbers and letters.
You add your membership to your user. This is done by first logging in with an existing user. Then you select “køb billet” (buy ticket) for the show you want a ticket to.
Select “Medlemsbilelt” and then select “Aktiver kort” (activate card) at the bottom. Enter the code here.
Your card is now active and you can complete the order.
The code should only be used for the first login. After this, your membership is linked to your user profile, and you just need to log in to be able to book a ticket.
How do I log in?
You click on the pictogram person at the top right of the screen.
How do I participate in training?
You always need to book a ticket in advance and show that and your membership card at the entrance.
You book a ticket via Select “Professionals” from the menu. Select “buy” / “even”. Complete purchase.
What is my membership number?
Your membership number is the code you use to activate the card consisting of eight numbers and letters. It is written on the pdf that you receive after your purchase of the membership.