Mash Up


In the performance ‘Mash Up’, we work with the relationship between body and sound, trying to figure out what movements are initiated by what sounds – and vice versa. As an example, we explore how movements of the body can turn into music on a drumset. And how the sound of a drumset can translate into movement.

You are part of the performance with your movements, guided by the musicians and the dancers. Together, we find out how the body can create forms, sounds and atmospheres – it could be a cartoon figure or a landscape. Can you dance a thunderstroke, or play the sound of karate?

Please meet the artists: Jaleh Negari (DK), composer and drummer, educated at Rytmisk Konservatorium in Copenhagen (2018). Stine Frandsen (DK), dancer and choreographer, educated at Inter-University Centre for Dance Berlin (2015). Lea Vendelbo Petersen (DK), dancer and choreographer, educated at Iceland Academy of the Arts (2011). Felia Gram-Hanssen (DK), drummer and educated visual artist at Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademi in Copenhagen (2015).




Mash Up


Grades 3 to 6.

Practical info.

Space: 'Mash Up' is performed in a gymnastic hall or large space approximately 10 x 13 metres with a clean and plain wooden floor. The space cannot be a passage room, and must be heated to 20/21 degrees.
There must be power outlets in the room.

Numbers: Per performance max. 50 pupils and two adults participating. It must be the same adults throughout the whole session.
There are two dancers and two drummers visiting you.

Clothing: Please wear clothes that you can move in.

Duration: 90 minutes per performance.


For Municipalities, For schools


Choreographers and dancers: Lea Vendelbo Petersen and Stine Frandsen, Composers and musicians: Jaleh Negari and Felia Gram-Hanssen, Photographer: Martin Dam Kristensen.

Statens Kunstfond (en)