Anna Konjetzky
Move, Morph, and More

How do we use movement as a language for communication and play? How do we read other people’s movements, their condition and their feelings? How does sound affect our body, our perception and sensing of ourselves? These are questions we explore in the interactive performance ‘Move, Morph and More’.

In the beginning, the two dancers create their own soundtrack for a voyage through different situations and characters. Together with a musician and by the help of microphones and special effects, they share their fascination of body and sound as instruments. They explore new sensations, new identities and give life to invisible worlds in the dance space.

Little by little, the performance opens for you to participate in a playful and interactive exploration. At last, all participants are ‘morphed’ together into a big, diverse sound movement.

Anna Konjetzky (DE) is a choreographer. Her work has been presented in Germany and a series of countries within and outside of Europe. Since 2005, Konjetzky has created dance works as physical reflexions over political and societal conditions. She teaches at several universities and has been rewarded with a number of prizes and grants. Sahra Huby (BE) is a dancer educated from Ecole Internationale de Théâtre Lassaad in Bruxelles. She has participated in projects in several European countries. In 2016, she was responsible for the project ’Dance Kitchen’ performing in private appartments. Liv Mikaela Sanz (DK/AR) is educated in dance at Millennium Performing Arts, London. She has performed in works on a series of venues in Denmark and internationally, and has furthermore been teaching dance for many years at The Danish Royal Ballet School, Den Danske Scenekunstskole, and in elementary schools. Sergej Maingardt (DE) is a sound artist educated in Electronical Composition at the University of Music and Dance in Køln; in Media Technology at the University of Applied Sciences in Düsseldorf, and in Media and Cultural Analysis at the Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf.


Anna Konjetzky


Move, Morph, and More


Grades 0 to 6.

Practical info.

Space: 'Move, Morph and More' is performed in a gymnastic hall or large space approximately 10 x 13 metres with a clean and plain wooden floor. The space cannot be a passage room, and must be heated to 20/21 degrees.
There must be power outlets in the room.

Numbers: Per performance max. 50 pupils and two adults participating. It must be the same adults throughout the whole session.
There are three dancers visiting you.

Clothing: Please wear clothes that you can move in.

Duration: 90 minutes per performance.


For Municipalities, For schools


Choreographer: Anna Konjetzky, Dancers: Sahra Huby and Liv Mikaela Sanz, Sound: Sergej Maingardt, Artistic consultant: Laura Navndrup Black, Photographer: Søren Meisner.

Augustinus Fonden (en)
Goethe Institut (en)
Statens Kunstfond (en)