Transformation through repetition / Transformation through collaboration is simultaneously a warm-up, movement investigation, and workshop. Rachel and Tim will physically guide you through their experience of working with the practice/logic Transformation through repetition and how their collaboration informs the work. The practice/logic works with the notion of a pulsating body and the multitude of experiences that can be had in a state of pulsation, where kinesthetic empathy serves as a choreographic principle, a marker of relations and connection. You can expect a warm-up that explores kinesthetic and sensory engagement as well as the centering of attention. The workshop will continue with individual and group tasks, collaboration investigations and set material, creating a room where the body´s intellect is leading the exploration and preparation for the day.
Only as a member, you can take part in Dansehallerne’s training activities – a year-round program with approximately 5 days of training per week.
This is for all professional members no matter background in dance training, and it is possible to drop in✨
International guests can also join training for free for up to 1 month.
Tess’ and Matiakis’ classes are in close collaboration with Danish Dance Theatre and we are happy to be able to offer the classes in the DDT’s studio.
These classes are held at the Opera:
Ekvipagemestervej 10, 1438 Copenhagen K. You will arrive to the stage entrance, big grey sliding door and enter the reception. We kindly ask you to meet latest 15 minutes before the class, so that it is time to find your way to the studio and show your QR code on the ticket:)