Juli Apponen, Marie Topp
The Visible Effects of Force & Life is hard and then you die – Part 3

An evening with two explicit solo works by Marie Topp and Juli Apponen

Marie Topp / The Visible Effects of Force
The impacts of forces are inevitable and constant. Everybody is set in motion, everything is affected. At the same time, the force itself is never visible. It is the signs, traces and remains of it, that produce visible marks, from which we draw conclusions and imagine the force behind it.

The Visible Effects of Force is a charged solo about force that explores what remains in the body after the impact -the traces, the effects.

“The Visible Effects of Force” is a choreographic project initiated by Danish choreographer Marie Topp in a collaboration with sound artist Julia Giertz and light designer Mårten K Axelsson. It is the conclusion and third part of an artistic exploration of the body exposed to different forces. The trilogy of solos include the pieces “The Everyday Practice of Resistance” (2012) and “Forerunning” (2014).¨ Marie Topp was awarded “Dancer of the Year” by CPH Culture for her performance in The Visible Effects of Force.

Juli Apponen: Life is hard and then you die – part 3.
Performance lecture based on autobiographical material.

Life is hard and then you die – part 3 is an autobiography of a body and therefore, unavoidably, also about identity. Through a fractional collage of indescribable pains, psychological fashion reviews, anatomical reports of too many surgeries, memories, astrology, some disturbing ideas and dreams, and bureaucratic adventures it will satisfy your curiosity, possibly more than you even wished for.

About Marie Topp
Marie Topp graduated in 2009 from The School of Performing Arts in Denmark. Since then Topp has been working mainly in Denmark, Sweden and Germany. The last years she has produced and choreographed three works that is now call a trilogy. They are all concerned with the body exposed to forces. The trilogy consists of three solo’s The Everyday Practice of Resistance (2012) Forerunning (2014) and The Visible Effects of Force (2015). The last piece was made in K3 Tanzplan Hamburg, where Topp was in residence from August 14 until April 2015. Beside her solo practice, Topp co-founded the Copenhagen based collective RISK together with Ida-Elisabeth Larsen, Gry Raaby and Marie-Louise Stentebjerg. RISK has during the last years established itself in a central position of in the context of Danish choreography as hosts and facilitators of projects that reach beyond individual practices and creates space for a broader choreographic discourse.


About Juli Apponen
Juli Apponen is an artist working mostly with performance and choreography. She produces and tours internationally with several co-operations and projects as well as her own solos – as performer, director and choreographer. Originally from Finland and now based mostly in Scandinavia. She studied at the Norwegian Theater Academy.


Juli Apponen, Marie Topp


The Visible Effects of Force & Life is hard and then you die – Part 3




Small Stage, Tap E