Mårten Spångberg
The Internet

In ‘The Internet’ Mårten Spångberg pushes the boundaries of dance performance. The piece is a balancing act between theatre and museum: music, dance and sculptures intertwined. The performance lasts for 4 hours and invites the audience to walk around, look, interact and even leave and come back a little while later.

The title is a metaphor for a monumental but intangible structure with no beginning and no end. The piece explores the influence of digital communication on choreography: social networks, health apps, games, dating tools … are used to generate dance, rhythms and moods. The performance offers a singular look on the social environment in which we live.


Mårten Spångberg


The Internet






Large Stage, Tap E


With and by / Sandra Lolax, Rebecka Stillman, Hanna Strandberg, Mårten Spångberg Realized with the support of Marika Troili Made possible through support from / The Swedish Art Council, The Arts Grants Committee, PACT Zollverein. In collaboration with PAF, Rupert Vilnius. Co-produced by Black Box Theatre Oslo, MDT Stockholm. Commissioned by Supportico Lopez, Berlin. Curated by Marie-Christine Molitor.

Danish Arts Foundation (en)