This one-day seminar is developed and arranged by Dansehallerne in collaboration with Limfjordsteatret, Teatercentrum and The Danish National School of Performing Arts – Further Education. We are happy to work with our reference group consisting of My Grönholdt, Tali Razga, and Anna Ross Agner.
At this seminar for performing arts professionals, you will meet collegues who are curious about the youngest children as an audience, and you will gain insights into Norwegian choreographer Siri Dybwik’s work for 0 – 6 year olds.
In the morning, Siri Dybwik, Kirsten Halle and dybwikdans will share aspects of their artistic practice, where you as a participant will also get to try out different methods on the floor. The afternoon is reserved for dialogue among the participants, departing from the question ”How do we engage the youngest audience and their adults around the artistic experience in ways that support the trace of the experience?”
Julie Holmegaard Schade and Camilla Schnack Tellefsen who has performed in dybwikdans piece “Bagom Stjernene” will join the present-ation by playing a song and share some of their experiences with us.
09.30 – 10.00 Arrival and coffee
10.00 – 12.30 Siri Dybwik, dybwikdans & Kirsten Halle (please see below)
12.30 – 13.30 Lunch and networking
13.30 – 15.30 Dialog session: How can performing arts for the youngest audiences leave traces?
Tali Razga, Anna Ross Agnes and My Grönholdt talk about their ambitions to leave traces.
14.30 – 15.00 coffee/cake
15.30 – 16.00 Summing up
dybwikdans are looking forward to meet professionals in Denmark who are interested in the youngest children as an audience. dybwikdans will present some of their work and their view on art and on children that underly their artistic practice. As part of the presentation, they will share their experience with the performers’ and the children’s perepsctives on sensemaking being important in the meeting between artists and audience.
Seminar will be held in SAL 1 at
The Danish National School of Performing Arts
Philip de Langes Allé 3
1435 København K
As part of the presentation, the participants will be active on the floor.
Please wear comfortable clothes you can move in.
With their presentation, dybwikdans invite to a dialogue about what performing arts for the youngest children might be, about notions of quality at stake, and about ways we can uplift this field in regards to status.
For this conference program Members and Annual Pass holders are not eligible for free tickets.