Jonathan Bonnici

Strømme is presented as a part of KORAL: A dance festival for children – and the whole family which takes place from October 15-17th, 2022 in Valby Kulturhus. The performance is aimed at children aged 3-6 years and their parents.

In ‘Strømme / Current’, you’re invited to a transformation ritual. It’s a journey we take together and in which we all participate, filled with wonder and excitement. A journey where our body finds many different expressions. We explore what flows – what moves, as we go from one version of ourselves to another. From excessive consumption to shedding the cocoon through dances of self love. We call on ancestors, we travel through many bodies, we all meet in the ecstasy of celebration. Please join us under the shower of petals.

When you buy a ticket for one of the festival’s performances, you also have access to our festival area. At the festival area, the whole family can challenge themselves, together. You can make corals from self-drying clay, take a picture for Instagram, and take part in the competition for the most creative coral. You can also go to the dance studio and meet a dance facilitator, where there is plenty of opportunity to move and reflect on the day’s experience. And of course, we have created space for the little ones to play in a sea of coral toys.


Jonathan Bonnici




Children & Family


  • 16.10.2022, 10:00
  • 16.10.2022, 12:00
  • 17.10.2022, 15:00


45 minutes


Valby Kulturhus, Valgårdsvej 4, 2500 København


Choreography: Jonathan Bonnici and Sall Lam Toro, Dance and performance: Jonathan Bonnici and Inaja Skands, Idea and concept: Jonathan Bonnici, Artistic Consultant: Boaz Barkan, Music: S. Reiser, Photo: Sam Moore.