Maria Fransesca Scaroni
Strangers in Parade

PEER TO PEER| May 3rd | from 5 – 7 pm | Union

We have invited Maria F. Scaroni for the this peer encounter, a blind date between two artists, with a conversation about falling in love with what you do.

Maria would like to meet colleague artists from Denmark, and to have conversations about life in the art field.

Join us in this encounter where Maria is ready to share her passion for technologies for mutual empowerment, pleasure as an organizing principle, creation as an harm reduction strategy, consent as radical honesty, mindfulness as co-habitation, difference as the magnetic field. And DANCE as a way through, a peace making indispensable belonging.

Marias conversation partner for this Peer to Peer applied with these words: ”I am searching. Searching for how to work from the heart, turning out my gut. Searching for a language, radical honesty even. I am going back to basics, the love of dance, improvisation, roots, breaking through childhood patterns, moving between places, lives, worlds. Human connections and non-human ones. Feeling in and out of dance. I am molting and not sure who I’ll end up being. Growth is relational and being witnessed is vital. Would you meet me now while I’m meeting myself?”

Marias words when searching for a blind date was:
“I want to fall in love with your loving what you do, with opening towards what you care for. I am an introvert, though also an exhibitionist, so I would love to meet you witnessed by a public. I hope you are at ease with being too much. I hope we can make ceremony.”

Peer to Peer is an encounter program with professional conversations about artistic practice and life in the field of dance and choreography. We meet twice a month at Union, where we start with collegial mingling and a drink in the cafe and continue in a professional session facilitated by the day’s guest/s. The event will be in English. You don’t need to sign up – just show up.

After the event, it will be possible to continue the conversations in the café, where you can buy your dinner (the kitchen closes at 7.30).

We regularly collect relevant themes and inspiration for the program, so feel free to send an email to Anna Katrine,, if you have good suggestions.


Maria Fransesca Scaroni


Strangers in Parade


Peer to Peer


3.5.2022, 17:00


2 hours


Union, Nørre Allé 7, 2200 København N


ja, ne, vielleicht 2021, credit June Yuen Ting Dildotechnotonics @Lecken 2018, credits Souade Hervé City Lights 2016 , credit: Iris Janke Totentanz 2019, credits: Michiel Keupr