A workout for sweat and contemplation.
This form of workout is the result of interaction between western dance forms and MB (muscle bone or mind body: the physical training element of Min Tanaka’s BODY WEATHER work). It is also one of the cornerstones of THE SUSTAINABLE BODY, a practice developed by Kitt Johnson.
- Fine tunes the interaction between body and mind
- Strengthens fitness, coordination, balance, mobility, alignment, grounding, centre and breath
- Challenges our capacity to be present in a here and now
- Facilitates the encounter between time, space and the human being in motion
- Explores the significance of inner focus for the quality of movement and presence
- Is anchored in the individual artistic practice of the coaches and constantly takethiss place in dialogue with this
- Is also pretty sweaty!!!
- Both dynamic, powerful movement across the floor and calm, meditative activity
- Both strongly codified and free, spontaneous movement