Open Dialogue with Dansehallerne

Things have been cooking for a long while. How can Dansehallerne become more relevant for people working in the field of dance and choreography? How can we inspire and benefit from each other’s knowledge and passion? We have made an effort to meet these challenges. Now, it’s time to invite you all into a dialogue about the future process of the activities that Dansehallerne provides for professionals.

November 5th, Dansehallerne has set a structure for this journey, and we really want to get your thoughts on how we can create the best possible collaboration with professionals, and how we strengthen and build a professional network together. A community that is relevant and where we can benefit from each other’s experience and knowledge.

This event is an opportunity for everyone to get insights on the future planning and goals for Dansehallerne’s activities for professionals. And more importantly, your questions and ideas can have an impact on this.

  • 15.30-15.45: Welcome / Doors open.
  • 15.45-15.50: Brief introduction to the purpose of this event.
  • 15.50-16.10: Presentation of the new Project Center: Everyone on board.
  • 16.10-16.25: A round of Q&As from participants.
  • 16.25-16.30: Introduction to next workshop activity: The Professional Circle.
  • 16.-30-17.15: Working in small workshop groups concerning The Professional circle.
  • 17.15-17.30: A brief sum up of the workshop, rounding off the event.
  • 17.30-18.00: Thank you for coming and continuing at Fredagsfællesspisning.

If you want to take part in the dinner at Absalon, we encourage you to book your tickets in advance. If you choose “Dansehallerne” as your first name, and your real name as your last name, we can all sit together and continue the good conversations over a bite.

This event is free. We encourage you to book a ticket in advance, but the doors are open for everyone who would like to join. The more, the merrier.


Open Dialogue with Dansehallerne


Social event


5.11.2021, 15:30


2 hours


Folkehuset Absalon, Sønder Blvd. 73, 1720 København