Fields of Tender is a dance performance that offers its audience to explore an imaginary world full of tenderness, affection and love. Both children and adults will be greeted with an abundance of dance, music, sounds, special scenographic objects and interactive video projections, which together meet the inherent curiosity of the youngest, but which at the same time make room for the quiet and slow with space for reflection and relaxation.
The performance allows for different experiences, accommodates all perceptions and welcomes all types of behaviour. Therefore, it is also suitable for neurodiverse children up to 2 years of age.
Buy ticket here
Durational work
The performance is a three-hour sensory experience. It is therefore possible to arrive and leave again (and come again) according to your child’s rhythm and needs. You buy tickets for a specific arrival time.
Dalija Thelander’s PhD project
“Fields of Tender” is a performance created and produced within the framework of Dalija Acin Thelander’s three-year PhD research project “Towards sensuous ecologies, Rethinking ableism in choreographic and movement practices”, carried out at the Stockholm University of arts/Dance Department and supported by the Swedish Research Council. The purpose of the research is to develop new interdisciplinary artistic methods that are adapted to neurodivergent perception, which enables the experience of community, spaciousness and ’empowerment’ through immersion, choreography and body practice.
Supported by:
Menų spaustuvė/Arts Printing House (Vilnius, Lithuania), Muzeum Susch / Art Stations Foundation CH (Susch, Switzerland), LaSala (Sabadell, Spain)