El ball del silenci

Dance-theater workshop focusing not on dancing as an act, but as a natural state of being. We contextualize dance with the inner body and in dialogue with its character and surroundings. It’s ritualistic to tell a story with the dynamics of the body.

El ball del silenci, also known as the Dance of Silence, allows space for small movements that simply exist without action, and which allow themselves to sprout into actions out into the world, around.
The integrity in movements integrates: what we think; what we feel, and the inner sounds and sensations, which interact with the dynamic being called the outer body. It’s all based on the body with all its drama. As a starting point, we’ll use our intention from the inner impulses, prior to our will to dance and express ourselves. We’ll listen to the desire of the dance and let that feeling move as it does, first and foremost.

Even though it’s a dance workshop, the intention is not to dance, but to let the body do what it’s already doing; and go more with it. We cannot initiate a dance. If I have an idea that I need to start a dance, I already have to prove something. Then I’m disconnected from my inner self and don’t see the dance that’s already there. We need to see the dance that’s already happening; connect with it; dance with it; be it.


El ball del silenci




30.4.2024 + 2.–3.5.2024, 10:00


2 hours 30 minutes


Dirch Passers Allé 4, 2000 Frederiksberg


Keun Ou 최근우 (그누구도) fotographer