Alexander Montgomery-Andersen

“Dualism” is a dance performance that takes you into the everyday life of a multicultural individual. The performance is created by Alexander Montgomery-Andersen and Madeleine Fairminer, both with multicultural backgrounds. They play with the inner processes, from the conscious to the subconscious. They raise questions about our daily actions and social interactions, based on the cultural differences we carry with us. How do I navigate through crowds, which interactions do I engage in, and which do I choose not to? Am I visibly multicultural to those around me? And what expectations does the outside world have of me?

These questions, and more, are what the two dancers have worked with. In the performance, you will experience the mental and emotional challenges they have gone through, which you can possibly recognize within yourself. We are all composed of multiple layers of culture, traditions, and environmental influences. How much of this are we truly aware of? Welcome into our universe!



Alexander Montgomery-Andersen






  • 9.11.2023, 18:00
  • 10.11.2023, 20:00


1 hour


Dansekapellet, Bispebjerg Torv 1, 2400 København


Koncept: Alexander Montgomery-Andersen Koreografi: Alexander Montgomery-Andersen, Madeleine Fairminer Dramaturg: Thomas Schaupp Optrædende på scenen: Alexander Montgomery-Andersen, Madeleine Fairminer Komponist og lyddesign: Tuomas Rounakari, Hans-Ole Amossen Lysdesign: Kristian Idar K. Thordal Producent: Madelaine Gordon Graadahl Teknisk ansvarlig: Kristian Idar K. Thordal PR-foto: Antero Hein Trailer: Antero Hein Samproduceret af: RAS - Regional Arena for Samtidsdans, Katuaq - Grønlands Kulturhus, Qiajuk Productions, Dansehallerne DK Støttet af: Eqqumiitsuliornermut Aningaasaateqarfik GL, NAPA, Nordisk Kulturfond, Stavanger Kommune, Rogaland Fylkeskommune, Kulturrådet NO, TOU

NAPA (The Nordic Institute in Greenland)
Nordisk Kulturfond (en)
RAS – Regional Arena for Samtidsdans
Stavanger Kommune
Rogalands Fylkeskommune

Også tak til Eqqumiitsuliornermut Aningaasaateqarfik - Grønlands kunstfond for støtte af forestillingen Dualism.