I spent my childhood and most of my teenage years very quietly. Countless days reading people and, especially their “non-words”. A “word-gesture”, a “word-gaze”, a “word-breath” contains so much truth and secret that I spend my life trying figure out the paths that they inscribe into the body. I believe that this is the place where the piece is settled. / Gaya de Medeiros
Atlas da Boca (Atlas of the Mouth) explores two trans bodies through the mouth. As a symbol, the mouth becomes the interface between the public and the private, between the erotic and the political, between silence and the word that lasts. Questioning the “words-gestures”, this piece delves into the moments in which the mouth hardens, letting the words come out roaring.
The performance lasts for 52 minutes. After each performance, we invite you to linger a little longer for something special. Right in the heart of the performance space, Gaya and Ary will be hosting an intimate and cosy artist talk. Your questions, thoughts, and curiosities are more than welcome, and we hope that you would like to stay in the space for an additional 20 minutes.