
Every ambitious thought requires action. To successfully move ahead with our vision of raising the cultural prestige of dance and choreography in Denmark, and to complete our mission, we are focusing on four key areas in which Dansehallerne can make a significant difference. Below you can read more about our specific actions and goals for each of the four areas.

Audience Enhancement

Here at Dansehallerne, we aim to ensure that dance and choreography reach an even bigger and more diverse audience. We want to make dance an important part of daily life in Denmark. To achieve this, we will present and tour with a wide selection of national and international high-quality performances for audiences of all ages all over Denmark. Furthermore, we focus specifically on the task of welcoming new faces and engaging them in our activities. We wish to retain them, and for that purpose, we are in the process of developing new and engaging formats, which will give our audiences an opportunity to provide comments and thoughts, both on social media platforms and through more advanced event formats and conversations.

Another goal of ours is to appeal to children and youths, with a specific focus on actively involving them in the field of dance and choreography, irrespective of their social background and prior knowledge. As part of our work with younger generations, we run KORA, a national offer for children and youths in schools and child-care centers. We are currently setting up a workshop and information project, with the aim of making it available to school children all over the country.

Coordinated Collaborations Across the Performing Arts

Here at Dansehallerne, we want to contribute to having as many key actors as possible perform dance and choreography productions of high quality. For that reason, our objective is to engage with a minimum of two new collaborators annually, who will present shows, lectures, and other activities. By securing strategic cooperation with other cultural players who supports our vision, we can make an even bigger public impact and reach a broader and more diverse audience. Our collaboration with Betty Nansen Theatre in Copenhagen is an example of this. Here, we have an opportunity to introduce Danish and international dance and choreography to an audience that is already familiar with stage performances, and by doing so, expand their understanding and knowledge of the field. Via our other partnerships, we are further able to reach entirely new audiences, who have not themselves sought out dance and choreography performances. Examples of this are our collaboration with the art assembly Den Frie Udstillingsbygning and Copenhagen Contemporary.

Another goal lies in securing sustainability and strength across Denmark within the field of dance. We actively support upcoming artists, both nationally and internationally, and it is our ambition to have the individual productions frequently performed and experienced by more people. An essential part of our work to ensure this, lies in our model for co-production. Our goal is to participate in 12 co-productions annually, each of which will have a producer from Dansehallerne assigned, who will follow the process from ideation to completion, performance, and potential touring.

Internationalizing the Performance Arts Industry

Dansehallerne offers audiences a range of Danish as well as international productions to choose from. Our goal is to present a greater number of international performances outside of Copenhagen. For that reason, we want to intensify our collaborations with various external players around the nation, so that in the coming years, we will be able to raise the number of international performance-art pieces shown annually around Denmark from two to six.

A key part of our collaborative endeavors is to make Dansehallerne a driving force in international co-productions. This is one of the reasons why we are currently setting up the TURBO GEN co-production program, which aims to introduce the co-productive model to the Danish industry.

Overall, it is our ambition to ensure a global presence and international recognition for Dansehallerne. Dansehallerne is therefore part of a number of established international networks, and our employees participate in a number of international events. One ambition for our global presence is to reach equally as many international audiences as Danish ones through our established online presence.

Green Transition

At Dansehallerne, we focus on sustainability and green transition – both when it comes to dance and to nature.

We want to be an organization that provides resources and facilitation. An organization, whose purpose it is to strengthen the industry and kick-start innovation within the performing arts in Denmark. In other words, our goal is to improve the sustainability of the art of dance by, amongst other things, putting particular focus on supporting the most promising choreographers and provide them with a foundation for their growth. Here too, our co-production program TURBO GEN plays an essential role in enabling the next generation of performers to embed themselves within the field of dance and tour with their performances both nationally and internationally. As part of the program, Dansehallerne follows the performers throughout the journey and helps them create a sustainable and long-term strategy for their career and profession.

To support sustainability and the climate, Dansehallerne is developing a greener profile. Our goal from now until 2024 is to develop and implement an action plan for sustainability within Dansehallerne, to reduce the use of plastic and paper within the organization, to implement LED lighting in all of our productions, and to ensure that more than 50% of our journeys to and from Copenhagen are made by train/alternatives to air travel. Also from this perspective, we want to take charge of sustainable development within the field of dance. In order to achieve this, we will spend the coming years developing/building a model for sustainable touring with performances, both within Denmark and abroad, that will reduce air travel. Furthermore, we want to develop, implement, and maintain a system for resource sharing with other players in Denmark reachable by train (fx. educators, tour performances, and co-productions).

Our framework agreement and accompanying key figures that have been developed in collaboration with the Danish Ministry of Culture and the Copenhagen Municipality play a role in specifying our goals and our work with dance and choreography as an art form. Read more about the framework agreement and key figures for Dansehallerne.
You find the previous framework agreement here. If you want access to older framework agreements and key figures, you can contact Dansehallerne and get further information.