Nadja Mattioli, Nanna Hanfgarn Jensen
Matter in Motion

MATTER IN MOTION is a movement practice centered around breath, the senses and the imagination.

In the classes, we will explore moving from various sensorial inputs, moving in imaginary worlds and developing individual movement collections.

With a Sensorial Awakening, we attune to our sensorial experiences and explore how the senses and imagination connect to movement. The Scenting Body allows us to put focus on respiration, slowness and moving through breath waves. We connect to our common breath rhythm, our physical closeness and imagine our bodies as a giant olfactory system.

Through Imagination Journeys, we guide you into imaginary spaces, encountering new beings, shapes and landscapes which we transform into movement. Finally, we use the previous explorations as roots for creative material in the form of movement collections, associative writing or other means.

Our practice encourages encounters with others, relinquishing control and exploring the communal possibilities of the present moment.

Please bring a notebook and a blindfold.

NB: The class is accessible to dancers with physical and visual impairment.


Nadja Mattioli, Nanna Hanfgarn Jensen


Matter in Motion




4.–8.4.2022, 10:00


1 time og 30 minutter


FORSØGSSTATIONEN, Sønder Boulevard 81, 1720 København V


Photo: Palle Schultz