Mødetid: 9:40 (døren lukkes præcist, og det er ikke muligt at komme ind efterfølgende). Mødested: August Bournonvilles Passage 10 (A-sals indgangen).
Bobbi Jene’s work explores the intersection of physicality, virtuosity, and desire. With a focus on extremes: delicacy and explosiveness, simple and detailed, personal and political, pain and pleasure. She choreographs situations where we are able to see people behave, rather than perform. Asking artists to execute a series of tasks so difficult that it requires them to move beyond the confines of “performing”. She believes this unfiltered exposure reveals a truth in the body –where dominant and passive are married, and pain and pleasure have equal value.
Bobbi Jene er, med sit skarpe blik for menneskesindet, et stjerneskud på den internationale dansescene. Under stor bevågenhed skabte hun i 2019 forestillingen Caldera til Corpus, og nu kreerer hun et helt nyt værk til Det KGL teatrets dansere til nykomponeret musik af Celeste Oram.
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